
  • Salary highly skilled migrants
  • Our highly skilled migrant permit service
What is the salary Highly Skilled Migrants must receive?

The highly skilled migrant (HSM) procedure is used for employees with a non-EU nationality who work on a local (Dutch) contract. The question if those employees are highly skilled is measured by their income level, not so much through their educational or professional background. So, what is the minimum salary highly skilled migrants must receive?

Salary highly skilled migrants

The HSM salary requirement changes per year. It is very important that the salaries of your non-EU highly skilled migrants always meet the requirement, even if the employee works parttime. We strongly advise you to keep an eye this as the IND does check this regularly. The fines in case of non-compliance may be considerable.

At the beginning of every new year, we announce the salary requirements in a blog. You can also find the new requirements on the IND’s website.

Our highly skilled migrant permit service

Anywr Netherlands offers many immigration services, including application to become a recognized sponsor. You can also leave the applications for HSM permit(s) with us We inform the employer and the employee about the required documents and will prepare and submit the immigration documents. We coordinate any necessary appointments at the GGD for a TB test and immigration authorities. During the process, we keep all parties proactively informed.

“Without your support it would not be possible to settle in at this pace … Thank you for your help!”

— Carsten, about housing and settling in support in April 2023
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